Math Exercises & Math Problems: Binomial Theorem



1. Find the binomial expansion of the expression :


Binomial theorem - Exercise 1


2. Which member of the binomial expansion of the algebraic expression (2x-1/x)^14contains x6 ?


3. Find two intermediate members of the binomial expansion of the expression (a+b)^5.


4. Find the intermediate member of the binomial expansion of the expression (a+b)^4.


5. Find :


Binomial theorem - Exercise 5


6. Find the intermediate member of the binomial expansion of the expression ( sqrt(x)-1/x )^6.


7. Which member of the binomial expansion of the algebraic expression Binomial theorem - Exercise 7 contains a7 ?


8. For what value of x the fifth member of the binomial expansion of the algebraic expression Binomial theorem - Exercise 8 equals to the number 105 ?


9. Find out which member of the binomial expansion of the algebraic expression ( x^2 - 1/(x^2) )^8 equals to the number 70.


10. Find out which member of the binomial expansion of the algebraic expression ( 2/x - sqrt(x) )^7 is the product of the coeficient and of the unknown sqrt(x).




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